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  • Writer's pictureAdam Knorr

Ukrainian Refugee Update

Hey ya’ll,

Here is an update on the mission work that we have been doing in Hungary. Calvary Chapel has had a rich history in Hungary. As a result many of the churches there are helping out in major ways. The Lord has led our church to assist them in the relief efforts. The photos below are pictures of the food and hygiene products that we brought to the refugees there. The original idea was to bring one van load. However through many people donating extra funds we had the ability to bring two extra vans!

Please pray for us as I will be leading another group from our church this Sunday to Hungary. Pray for safety that our vehicles will be may be able to make it up there and back. Pray for our time with the refugees that we will be able to bless them. And pray that this war would end quickly.

Here is a link to a video explaining more of what’s going.

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